Wednesday, October 3, 2007

What I do..

Any mom will know how important it is to learn that her child is progressing. A special mom is no exception. Actually, it may be more crucial for a special mom since every little step her child takes is a big leap. Small achievements are celebrated highly. Everything is a lengthy learning and repeated process and nothing can be taken for granted. Encouraging remarks, no matter how insignificant they may sound, provide a special mom with a great sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. All the hard work and heartache is paying off.

On that note, I wanted to share a very encouraging comment that I received today from my daughter’s teacher and classroom assistant. They both told me “Alex is showing good learning potential. Even though she is not verbal, she understands and has a high level of cognitive skill. She knows a lot more than she lets us be aware of”. That made my day! I had believed in my child for a long time but it was nice to realize that other people acknowledged her skills and abilities too.

Now if you ask me how can a child who was born weighing 12 oz. and measuring 8 inches come thus far? Even though she continues to face medical challenges daily, I have always taken daily and even minute-by-minute steps to ensure that she functions up to her full potential. It is those steps that I share with you today that have gotten her to where she is today. Here’s what I do:

1. A lot of prayer.
2. A lot of TLC.
3. I encouraged the use of Mozart music in her incubator when she was still in NICU. I
continued to use the music with her at home.
4. I kept up with all the necessary medical appointments that she has needed and will need.
5. I’ve monitored her feedings very rigorously to ensure that she is received enough caloric
intake daily.
6. I ensure that she is receiving enough water daily.
7. I’ve been giving her multivitamin mixed in with her formula daily.
8. I’ve mixed Probiotics in with her formula daily to help her G.I function.
9. I’ve mixed Flaxseed Oil with her formula to enhance her Omega-3 intake.
10. I’ve mixed Olive Oil with her formula for caloric increase as well as its known other benefits
as mentioned in: Better Health Channel.
11. I mix blenderized baby food and other food with her formula as she tolerates them.
12. I have just started giving her Benefiber in her formula. The powder I use contains B-
vitamins as well as Folic acid.
13. For the past four years, I’ve taken her to undergo Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy at different
times of the year. This is for brain function enhancement as well as a whole body wellness.
14. I’ve arranged for her to receive massage and CranioSacral Therapy twice per week for the
past five years.
15. She has received OT and PT to assist with her movements
16. She continues to receive Behavior therapy, which concentrates on using an ABA approach,
combined with the ABLLS program. She has progressed with this by leaps and bounds.
17. I read to her when she shown interest.
18. We incorporate a lot of music in her day. She loves music and will enjoy watching a jazz
video as well as listen to international music on her player.
19. She learns from watching her Disney TV shows.

Future goals:
20. I am hoping to start giving her PhosphetidylSerine for additional Brain function
21. I am researching the use of Homeopathy with special needs and hope to start her with a
Homeopath to help her ADHD, seizures and other ailments.

Alex is my gift and I will continue to provide her with all opportunities for success..

©Copyright 2007.Najwa S. Hirn. All rights reserved.

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