Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year Wishes..

Wishing you a world filled with blessings, happiness, health and
prosperity for the New Year.

Happy New Year from our home to yours..

©Copyright 2007.Najwa S. Hirn. All rights reserved

Monday, December 24, 2007

A Christmas Eve Wish..

I wish you a day of happiness and perfection-
little bite-size pieces of perfection that
give you the funny feeling that the Lord
is smiling on you, holding you so gently
because you are someone special and rare
-author unkown-
-image source/e-card/author unkown-
Christmas is coming!! What a joyous time of year! A time to celebrate and rejoice as we praise and worship; a time for friends and family gatherings and an abundant flow of love and affection. What better time is there to wish our special kids the true blessings of Christmas and that is true happiness and perfection. As the Christmas rush takes over, we must never forget the true meaning of this very special day, which are fond memories and love as we welcome the New Year.

With each passing year new memories are created in our household. As my daughter, Alex, develops new skills, we add those to our Christmas treasure box. This year she helped me with the Christmas tree. She handed me branches out of the box as we put up the tree together. She marveled at the lights and helped me place our Christmas cards among the tree branches, as has been my tradition for the past few years. I started this a few years ago to avoid tempting Alex with shiny ornaments. Next year, I think it will be safe to reopen those ornament boxes that have been packed away for nearly ten years.

As Christmas approaches tomorrow, I wish you my dear Alex a day of happiness and perfection because you are a very special and rare gift that was entrusted in my care..

©Copyright 2007.Najwa S. Hirn. All rights reserved.

Monday, December 10, 2007

I Believe In Santa..

Having faith in Santa Claus

Is not for just the young,

I know I'll keep proclaiming him

As long as I've a tongue.

And even though I see the gent

Unmasked before my eyes,

Revealing some familiar friend

Who's donned the quaint disguise,

It doesn't change my mind a bit;

I'll still believe, because

There's more than whiskers and a suit

To dear old Santa Claus;

Bright hopes there are,

And dreams come true,

Good cheer, unselfish sharing

Personified by gifts of love

Within the pack he's bearing.

To call these angels "Santa Claus"

Is surely not deceiving,

So I, for one, will never scoff

But go right on believing.

-author unkown-

I had the opportunity to witness one of the most amazing sights today. I watched the faces of special needs kids’ light up as they sat on Santa’s lap and received a Christmas present. This was not a mall event, but rather an event that took place at my daughter’s school this morning. I was fortunate enough this year to be invited by the teacher to come by and watch as my Alex collected her gift.

I cannot begin to express the emotions that went through me as I watched all those kids. Tears of joy rolled down my cheeks uncontrollably as each child smiled and hugged Santa Claus while holding their precious wrapped box to dear life.

The moment came when it was my daughter’s turn to receive her gift. My surprise and pride was insurmountable as I observed her walking to Santa. She tolerated the event so well, sitting on his lap just like all the other children. It was a moment that I wouldn’t trade for the world. A moment of hope and admiration at this small child that has become my life. A moment of dreams coming true and a belief in a bright future that may come our way.

What a noble thing it is for someone to bring such joy to special kids. My hats and thanks go out to Santa who was able to give each child a few moments of normalcy and happiness. Who said there was no Santa anyway!!

©Copyright 2007.Najwa S. Hirn. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

You Are All I Have..

The seasons change
but love remains
growing like a rose in spring
all the summer sun can bring
I will find it when I'm with you
You are all I have

By Demis Roussos

I can’t think of any greater love than a love that a mom feels for her child. It is one of those special bonds that cannot be truly measured or felt. It is just there. That is how my bond is with my daughter, Alexandra. I see her face shine when I walk into a room and that means the world to me. She runs as fast as her little legs will allow her to reach me as I hold out my arms to embrace her. Those moments are priceless and I wouldn’t change them for anything.

It is without doubt then that anything I hear or see brings Alex’s image to my mind. The above lyrics are part of an old song by Demis Roussos. You see, my daughter has an ear for music and seems to pick her favorites as we listen to our different CD options. She definitely has an ear for my ethnic culture and loves to listen to world music. The above song is among a collection on a CD that has become one of her top ten listened to, and requested music. For anyone who is not familiar as to who Demis Roussos is, please go to: Demis Roussos. You can also view this song on You Tube at this link:

Even though the above song is not about a child, it still describes a strong feeling that any mom can experience with her child. As each day goes by, the bond strengthens. There is never a moment that passes that I don’t think about Alex and marvel at this connections that only a mom can feel.

©Copyright 2007.Najwa S. Hirn. All rights reserved.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

What's In A Label..

I just received a letter from my daughter's neurologist diagnosing her with Autism. It wasn't a total surprise since we had discussed this during her last follow up and I was expecting it. However, talking about a diagnosis is one thing and seeing it in print is another. After all, this is my child who is being labeled. This is the little girl that I had built all my hopes and dreams on. The same baby that I had hoped one day would say words like: "I love you mommy". A child of my dreams who should have accomplished all the "given" childhood milestones by now just like all the other kids out there.

It is interesting that this diagnosis comes at such a time. Autism has become one of those disorders that are experiencing a huge rise of incidences. It seems that it appears everywhere we turn nowadays. New articles come out daily trying to answer the “Why’s” and the “how did this happen to my child?” questions. Various factors such as environment, nutrition, vaccines and such are being blamed to this increase. But maybe, the cases aren’t increasing at all; maybe, they are just “coming out of the closet”.

Even though an autistic diagnosis can be devastating to the entire family, it should still be embraced with a big heart. With that said, I found the most wonderful definition for the word “Autism” on the Internet. I want to share this term with all the special parents out there who are struggling with this invisible enemy that is stealing our kids.

Therefore, the new definition of “Autism” is a child who is:
A wesome
U ndaunted
T alented
I mmeasurable
S ensational
M agnificent

My daughter, Alex, is each and every one of the above terms.
So what is a label anyway? It is whatever you want your child to be…

©Copyright 2007.Najwa S. Hirn. All rights reserved.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

The Visitor..

No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t succeed in keeping the fall viruses out of our house this past week. Two weeks to be exact! My daughter, Alex, started coming down with it a few days before Thanksgiving. I was graced with it the day after Thanksgiving. It seems that this year’s visitor is mighty strong. It defied all the precautions and remedies that I tried to take, thus rendering me helpless and without a choice but to visit my doctor. I have to say that, after a week of antibiotics, and some bed rest, I am still not 100 percent cured. The congestion in me head is still there and my strength is very depleted.

It is not uncommon for these viruses to invade our Florida environment this time of year. Travelers are down here vacationing; the temps are doing the up and down yo-yo; and things are just getting too hectic with the holidays just around the corner.

In spite of feeling so miserable this past week with flue like symptoms, I was still overjoyed to learn how important my family was. My husband took over our daughter’s full care last weekend, thus allowing me a much needed bed stay all day, and Alex must have known that mommy was not well because she continued to come in the room, shower my face with kisses and leave me alone to rest. It was as if she was saying: “my kisses will make you feel better mommy.”

She was right! Her kisses had a special healing touch, and her smile just brightened up my every waking moment. I knew that if she could, she would even bring me juice and food on a tray. One day that will happen I’m sure. For now though, I am content with the cuddles!!

©Copyright 2007.Najwa S. Hirn. All rights reserved.