Tuesday, October 9, 2007


It is sometimes difficult to realize that there are people out there who have situations that are so much worse than ours. The challenges we face with our kids blind our sight, thus keep us wallowing in self-pity. I’m as much to blame as anyone else of the “why me” or “why Alex” syndrome. As you have probably gathered, it has been a long day today filled with trials and tribulations. Alex was up and down with her behavior. I just couldn’t pinpoint what was wrong.

It is on days like today that I turn to the Internet in search of anything that may help. The young man featured in the video I am about to share is phenomenal. I will always remember how he described disabilities by saying: “It is not disabilities but abilities, God created me different but big deal!” How true!

We are each created different and possess unique abilities that make us who we are. We need to embrace those abilities and encourage rather than discourage them. The story of this young man in the video made me stop and think about my day. I realize that, in spite of her limitations, my Alex has wonderful abilities that I am thankful for. Abilities that allow her to walk, see, listen, laugh and love. What more can I ask for. Enjoy the video and be blessed today..


©Copyright 2007.Najwa S. Hirn. All rights reserved.

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