Saturday, September 1, 2007


As I watched Alexandra giggling and rolling on the couch with her legs and arms flying in all kinds of directions in the air this afternoon, I couldn’t help but remember my first image of her as she came out of the womb 9 years ago.
Even though she was born at 25 ½ weeks gestation, she was feisty, all 8 inches of her. Her entire body was so small that it was practically covered by the nurse’s palm that held her. You see, my Alex weighed only 12 ounces at birth and measured 8 inches in length. The only visible active portion of her that I could see were those arms and legs flying in all kinds of directions. She was probably doing her own victory dance at that time celebrating being out of the suffocating environment that she was confined in. I had developed preeclampsia in my fifth month of pregnancy so the womb that was supposed to sustain her was actually chocking her as my amniotic water kept depleting.
That day back in 1998 was a difficult day and a start of a long hard road for Alex and us. However, I couldn’t help but count our blessings today as I saw her laughing after being tickled as she actively listened and danced to her dad’s blue’s video. I thanked the Lord for his many mercies..

©Copyright 2007.Najwa S. Hirn. All rights reserved.

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