Sunday, September 23, 2007

My advice to you..

It took me a long time to realize that I should be taking care of myself as well as my child. I had been working on so much overdrive for years before coming to the realization that things needed to change if I were to be able to stay healthy and keep my sanity. I was so focused on just Alex and her needs that I forgot mine. I finally listened to the many advices that my friends volunteered that went something like this: “You really need to stay healthy to be able to take care of Alex”, or “This child will not survive if you aren’t here to take care of her”, or “You need a break”. It all started making sense in the end. Even though I am still focused on keeping Alex well and healthy, I still take time to do things for me. This diversion keeps me grounded and refuels my strength and energy so that I can keep going.
From one special mom to another, here are my tips for you to help you regroup and stay healthy. I hope that they will be as helpful to you as they have been for me:
1. Eat well-balanced and nutritious meals such as proteins, fruits and vegetables.
2. Drink plenty of fluids during the day.
3. Try to sleep well. Most special kids continue to have a difficult sleep schedule for years so
take the chance whenever you can and catch up on your sleep.
4. Exercise whenever you can. The ideal situation is to do it daily but only if your schedule
5. Reduce the stress in your life by praying, meditating or socializing with family or friends.
6. Do a fun activity for yourself like listening to music, reading a book or taking a class you
7. Join a support group. It always helps to share ideas and create friendships.
8. Most of all be happy and enjoy your child!
You are not alone in your journey. Just stop; regroup; and listen to other moms who understand. It helps to know that others are walking in your shoes and are doing it as well as you are!!

©Copyright 2007.Najwa S. Hirn. All rights reserved.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so right - I realized this about six months ago when I joined a gym and started going a few times a week. This past week, I didn't exercise and seemed to be always running on empty. Not enough sleep, not enough "quiet" time just for me and I'm feeling it. It's hard to be there for them when we are running on empty ourselves. Hugs. Tam