Saturday, September 22, 2007

What's in a Name..

In November 1998, about a month before Alexandra came home from the NICU. We received this beautiful poem written by a coworker. The poem spelled out my daughter’s name as follows:


A ngel sent from heaven are you,
L et love flow from you and touch
E veryone you ever will meet.
X tra special in God’s eyes
A nd made for His purpose.
N ever will He ever fail you.
D aily seek the Will of God and
R est in His tender and
A wesome arms of love

by: B. Mudge , 11/24/1998

It is amazing how the lines of this poem materialize in our daily life. The name came about suddenly since she was born so prematurely and I wasn’t prepared for babys names at the time. I blurted out this one that I had heard another mom mention. However, I feel that this name was chosen for her and was meant to be. Various baby names’ lists describe Alexandra as: a worrier and domineering. How true that is since she has had to fight so hard all these years to reach to this point. God brought her and continues to hold her in his loving palms as he grants her the will and strength to keep fighting. He also graced her with charm that does touch everyone’s hearts. I’ve since gotten used to strangers stopping me everywhere saying comments like: “what a beautiful child this is” or “there is something special about this little girl”. I can’t help but beam with pride as I say, “It’s God’s love shining through her”!

©Copyright 2007.Najwa S. Hirn. All rights reserved.

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