Monday, September 10, 2007


What on earth is a term such as “Probiotics” doing in my daily vocabulary anyway! Years ago, I wouldn’t have dreamed that this will be an essential word that I will come to depend on to assist in my daughter’s G-I health. However, as time went by, I learned the importance of these Bacteria for balancing the G-I tract. I’ve been giving Alex “Probiotics” since she was 2 years old. To define this term, I quote from the following Internet article: Probiotics Basics “Probiotics” are: “live microorganisms administered in adequate amounts which confer a beneficial health effect on the host".(probiotic Basics)
When Alex was 2, I consulted with a dietitian who recommended that I use a powder type “Probiotics” made for children 0-5 years. The powder consistency made it very easy to mix the amount I needed in Alex’s daily formula and pump it in the G-tube. However, due to Alex’s sensitivities and low tolerance to new additions to her diet, I was only able to give her half the recommended dose. This went on like clockwork for 6 years. Last year, however, I began to procrastinate with this daily regiment. I was so tied up after her surgery last fall, combined with my completing my final University class and the fact that our local health food store moved away that I failed to complete my mission of adding these organisms to her daily formula intake. I sure noticed the difference this year with her suffering some G.I problems. Until recently, I wasn’t sure why. I quickly found my answer when I put her back on the full-recommended “Probiotics” dose a few weeks ago.
So, if you ask me again, why am I giving my child Bacteria? I can truly say they are the friendliest that I have ever encountered…

©Copyright 2007.Najwa S. Hirn. All rights reserved.

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