No matter how difficult things are, we must always stop and think of the good that is still out there. Others who embrace you and pat you on the back make such a difference. Even though others are struggling in their on way, they still take the time to help you out. I have been blessed to come across such special people in my life as I strive to help my daughter go day by day. Other special parents continue to prove to me day by day what a special community this is. A community of loving and supportive group of people that do not hesitate to step in when you need help. On that note I would like to extend special thanks with this post. The first one to the parents of a child in my daughter’s school who were so gracious as to give us a brand new medical stroller that they are not using. We have been in need for such a stroller for a long time since Alex has grown the small-umbrella one that she has. It seemed as if it could be Christmas morning today when I picked up this wonderful new Alex-mobile. I can’t wait to try it.
Another thanks goes to a special mom who left me a comment that I published on the blog. I appreciate all the feedback to the posts. It is those feedbacks that keep me going..
©Copyright 2007.Najwa S. Hirn. All rights reserved.
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