Thursday, November 15, 2007


When a woman desires to have a child she will pray for the perfect baby. She will imagine what her child might look like. She can almost picture all the beautiful things that child will be able to accomplish. Basically she will long for a perfect child.
But what is perfection anyway? Is it a child who may get involved with the wrong crowd, or is it a child who may choose to lie or steel when they get older. Neither of the above is right; it is a happy, loving child who will bring joy and abundance daily.

In my eyes, my daughter, Alexandra is a perfect child in so many ways. In the way she hugs or kisses; or in the way her little face shines up when I pick her up at school. I see her bright eyes scanning the horizon looking out for my appearance. I recognize the wide smile that brightens her face when I finally show up. All her misgivings disappear during those times. Her angelic perfection is the only thing that shines through!!


As my children were born,I wanted them to be perfect.
When they were babies,I wanted them to smile
And be content playing with their toys.
I wanted them to be happy
And to laugh continually
In stead of crying and being demanding.
I wanted them to see the beautiful side of life.
As they grew older,I wanted them to be giving instead of selfish.
I wanted them to skip the terrible twos.
I wanted them to stay innocent forever.
As they became teen-agers,I wanted them to be obedient and not rebellious,
Mannerly and not mouthy.
I wanted them to be full of love,Gentle and kind hearted.
"Oh, God, give me a child like this" was often my prayer.
One day he did.
Some call her handicapped...
I call her Perfect!!
-Source/Author Unknown -

©Copyright 2007.Najwa S. Hirn. All rights reserved.

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