My daughter, Alexandra, must have known that it is her grandmother’s birthday today. As soon as my mom woke up, Alex ran to her, gave her a big hug and planted a deep wet kiss on her face.
We’re staying with my parents this weekend to celebrate my mom’s 75 birthday. It’s difficult for me to fathom that my mom is actually turning 75. It seems that only yesterday she was in her 40’s. I don’t know what happened to the time. It sure did fly.
As I watched my Alex celebrating with her grandmother, I couldn’t help by remember the first moment that my mom laid her eyes on Alex. She was so shocked and the sight in front of her left her speechless. Alex was so small with wires covering her entire body that it was difficult for my mom to make heads or tails out of this little girl laying in the Isolate. At that time, my mom just put on a strong courageous face as she looked at me and said: ”she’s beautiful”. My mom knew that I needed to hear that.
I’m fortunate to have the time to spend with my mom and my child. Alex has turned out to be beautiful just like her grandmother had predicted so many moons ago. She adores her grandparents and brings a lot of joy into their lives. Just like that moment in the NICU many years ago, my parents continue to be optimistic and trust in her bright future.
I have learned a long time ago to trust and believe my parents. I see the results every day.
Happy birthday mom!!
©Copyright 2007.Najwa S. Hirn. All rights reserved.
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